Sunday, October 7, 2012

Death in the Gulf Stream

2 ounces gin
1½ ounces fresh lime juice
Pinch of superfine sugar
3 to 4 splashes of Angostura bitters
Lime peel spiral

Pour the gin and lime juice into an ice-filled highball glass. Add the sugar and bitters and stir to combine. Twist the lime peel spiral over the drink, and drop it in.

Ben's Notes:
This drink was apparently created by Ernest Hemingway as a hangover remedy. While I very much enjoyed it, it was extremely bitter. Even just 2 splashes of the bitters was the max I could handle. I'm also not sure why it's to be made in a highball glass. It only just fills it up passed halfway. If I make this drink again I'll use an old fashioned glass, only one splash of bitters, and two pinches of sugar.

The Rya Review

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