Saturday, July 27, 2013

Brownie Batter (original drink)

Cake vodka
Chocolate syrup
Vanilla ice cream

Combine ingredients and blend.

Ben's Notes:
A few months ago my mother-in-law re-gifted me cake flavored vodka because she thought I'd figure out something to do with it. I took a sip of it before going to bed for inspiration and immediately regretted it. This stuff doesn't just sort of taste like cake. It overwhelmingly tastes like cake. It tastes so much like cake, that your brain gets confused because it thinks you're drinking cake. Anyway, when I slept that night the magical sugar plum fairies of Pinnacle vodka visited me. When I awoke, I knew what I had to do: adult milkshakes. When I made it for friends there was almost a riot when I ran out of ice cream. That said, I haven't made it again since, for fear of creating a public disturbance. I didn't write down the ratio of ingredients and I think it really doesn't matter for this too much. If you want a sense of how much vodka I put in, look at the bottle in the picture. That was how much I used for a half gallon of ice cream (which made 3 drinks).

The Rya Review

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mint Martini

2 ounces vodka
1¼ ounces peppermint schnapps
Fresh mint sprig

Shake the liquid ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with the mint sprig.

Ben's Notes:
This is a modified version of a White Spider that is simple and tasty. I prefer it to the White Spider, though I really couldn't tell you why. I now also grow my own mint, so I can always use fresh mint. Like all mint drinks, this is best on a hot day.

The Rya Review