Friday, August 31, 2012

White Russian

2 ounces vodka
1 ounce Kahlúa
1 ounce heavy cream

Pour the vodka and Kahlúa into an ice-filled old-fashioned glass, and stir. Float the cream on top.

Ben's Notes:
Watched The Big Lebowski this week and decided it was time I try my hand at a White Russian. I totally screwed up the heavy cream but it didn't change the fact that this is my new favorite mixed drink. My error was that I used way too much cream (like 2 ounces too much). I just really wanted to fill that glass up for the look. Perhaps making a double would be the way to go on this next time. Also, my second pour was a perfect "float," with total separation between the cream and the alcohol, but I didn't bother taking another picture. Oh, and I substituted heavy whipping cream in place of the heavy cream, which I read somewhere is allowed.

The Rya Review

Second Thoughts:
Even though the recipe says heavy cream, use half-and-half. It's way better. Also, this picture is terrible. White Russians should not look like that.

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