Saturday, November 24, 2012


4 ounces fresh lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1½ ounces tequila
12 ounces Mexican lager

Pour the lemon juice into an ice-filled beer mug. Add the salt and tequila, stirring to combine. Slowly pour in the beer.

Ben's Notes:
So the first drink I made out of this book was a michelada (before I started the blog). There are three different recipes for them, and the first one really didn't catch my attention. This one, however, is another story. The drink had layers of flavor and just never got old. I even royally screwed it up (too small of a glass meant my proportions were off) but it really didn't matter. I'll be enjoying these frequently from now on.

The Rya Review

Second Thoughts:
I recently tried this drink again with some family and we decided that there is too much salt in the recipe. Unless your lemons are extremely tart, just put in 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

White Spider

2 ounces vodka
¾ ounce peppermint schnapps
Fresh mint sprig

Shake the liquid ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into an ice-filled old-fashioned glass or chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with the mint sprig.

Ben's Notes:
Apparently this drink is meant to be had as a nightcap, though I thought it was a bit too refreshing for that. All in all, it was a nice drink. Nothing to rave about, but it could really hit the spot on a hot afternoon.

The Rya Review

Classic Gimlet

1¼ ounces gin
1¼ ounces Rose's lime juice
Lime wedge

Stir the gin and lime juice in a mixing glass with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Squeeze the lime wedge into the drink.

Ben's Notes:
"And IIIIIIIIIII-EE-IIIIII... will al-ways love youuuuuuuu-uu-uuuuuuuuu!" My new drink of choice, hands down. It was so good, Rya compared it to her most favorite-est toy in the whole world: her bumper (which was what she was actually looking at when the picture on the website was taken of her). I've been enjoying this drink with crushed ice in an old-fashioned glass when I don't have a chilled cocktail glass on hand.

The Rya Review

Mint Condition

¾ ounce bourbon
¾ ounce peppermind schnapps
¾ vodka
½ ounce Kahlúa

Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into a chilled sour glass.

Ben's Notes:
This drink was so bad, I couldn't even drink it. It was so bad, I didn't even want to be in the same room with it. It was so bad, that Rya's rating for it is below her normal scale. Avoid at all costs people! *Also, I didn't have a sour glass, so I used a cocktail glass. But that still doesn't change the fact that when Rya sees this drink she runs from it just like it were a:

The Rya Review


1½ ounces gold tequila
3 ounces pineapple juice
½ fresh lime juice

Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice. Strain into an ice-filled old-fashioned glass.

Ben's Notes:
The best thing about this drink is that it is served in an old-fashioned glass, which is my favorite type. Maybe the frozen version is better (basically this plus some triple-sec and a blender). I have a feeling I'll never know.

The Rya Review

Saturday, November 10, 2012


1 lime, cut into 8 wedges
1 tablespoon sugar
2 ounces vodka

Muddle the lime wedges with the sugar in the bottom of an old-fashioned glass. Fill the glass with crushed ice, add the vodka, and stir well.

Ben's Notes:
While completely unpronounceable, this drink is very good. Apparently it's traditionally made with cachaça (also unpronounceable). Be warned, you need to stir it VERY well if you want to have the bottom not end up tasting like limeade concentrate. Also, I added a lime spiral because it looks awesome.

The Rya Review


2 ounces vodka
4 to 6 ounces fresh orange juice
Orange slice

Pour the vodka and orange juice into an ice-filled highball glass, and stir. Garnish with the orange slice.

Ben's Notes:
This drink. All summer. From now until forever. I somehow had never had one of these before, which is criminal. Be sure to use fresh orange juice! Also, I enjoy the legend behind the drink: oilmen in Iran in the 1950s stirred this drink with (pause for effect) screwdrivers!

The Rya Review

Gin and Sin

2 ounces gin
¼ ounce fresh orange juice
¼ ounce fresh lemon juice
2 dashes grenadine

Stir the ingredients in a mixing glass with ice. Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.

Ben's Notes:
This sounded so good in the book, but really did not have it in the glass. Remember how earlier I said I don't care for grapefruit? Well, it turns out that combining orange and lemon juice creates a concoction that tastes pretty much exactly like grapefruit. Not for me.

The Rya Review